Storm the Wall! ► North America's Biggest Intramural Event
This week is UBC's massive intramural event - Storm the Wall. Friends form teams of 5 people: 1 Swimmer, 1 Sprinter, 1 Biker, 1 Runner, and 1 Extra Hand. In that order, they each complete one leg of the relay event. When the runner reaches the end of his/her section, the other teammates are all waiting there already. The team then runs up to one of two 12 foot walls, and one by one everyone goes over the top.
Today I took photos of one of the Science Undergrad Society (SUS) Council teams, so here they are:
Martin and Rebecca waiting for their respective sprinters to arrive. Martin was on one SUS team, but I was taking photos for Rebecca's team

Here comes Cameron (Science Student Senator and Sprinter)

After Cameron arrived, Rebecca had to race around the bike loop 4 times:

Once the cyclist had finished, it was time for Alex (AMS Representative and Runner) to do a lap of the bike loop and then run around the Chem building to the Wall:

Once Alex had arrived the rest of the team, now including Diana Diao (Public Relations Officer and Extra Hand), headed for the Wall:

Ara Koh, the Swimmer, was the first to start climbing the wall for the SUS team:

But Alex got over the top first:

Next was Rebecca:

Then Diana...

And last, but not least, Cameron the leprechaun clicked his heels together and floated upward:

Of course, after all that effort, they got a team photo and a bunch of free milk (according to Alex, TOO much free milk).
Today I took photos of one of the Science Undergrad Society (SUS) Council teams, so here they are:
Martin and Rebecca waiting for their respective sprinters to arrive. Martin was on one SUS team, but I was taking photos for Rebecca's team

Here comes Cameron (Science Student Senator and Sprinter)

After Cameron arrived, Rebecca had to race around the bike loop 4 times:

Once the cyclist had finished, it was time for Alex (AMS Representative and Runner) to do a lap of the bike loop and then run around the Chem building to the Wall:

Once Alex had arrived the rest of the team, now including Diana Diao (Public Relations Officer and Extra Hand), headed for the Wall:

Ara Koh, the Swimmer, was the first to start climbing the wall for the SUS team:

But Alex got over the top first:

Next was Rebecca:

Then Diana...

And last, but not least, Cameron the leprechaun clicked his heels together and floated upward:

Of course, after all that effort, they got a team photo and a bunch of free milk (according to Alex, TOO much free milk).

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