Saturday, October 21, 2006

GuluWalk 2006 in Vancouver

Today I walked a few kilometres with a few hundred people in Vancouver to raise money for the child night commuters in Northern Uganda. These children walk long distances every night to find a safer place to sleep in the larger towns, away from the very real risk of abduction leading to a life as a child soldier or sex slave with the Lord's Resistance Army.

Thanks to a number of kind donors, I was able to raise $158.

I met up with my friend Kath and a bunch of strangers at UBC at 2pm and we got to Trout Lake Park just after 3pm. There was a big drumming circle which was pretty nifty.

My friend Dennis who, like Kath, went to school with me in England was there:

And, of course, Kath was there:

Dr Erin Baines, a Research Associate at the Liu Institute for Global Issues (where I work, but we've never met) who has done some great work on transitional justice in Northern Uganda (read this for more info), was also at the opening ceremonies and gave a moving speech.

My favourite photo from the day:

I didn't take any photos during the walk itself as we were confined to the sidewalk in a very long, thin procession, which didn't make for very good camera angles.

All in all it was a great day, though very tiring, and I got to meet a bunch of cool new people too!

Monday, October 09, 2006

AUS Whistler Retreat etc

It's been a long time since I've put anything up here, owing primarily to my busy schedule but partly due to lack of interesting goings-on in my life. This past long weekend, however, I got to go up to Whistler with the Arts Undergraduate Society for a retreat. Essentially, we went up there to party and get to know each other. After all, we'll be working together for the next 6 months!

We had a great time, stayed at the UBC AMS Whistler Lodge and had all our meals and transportation covered by the AUS. The food was plentiful and delicious and we even had a scavenger hunt in Whistler Village.

I definitely got to know my fellow AUS councilors a lot better over the weekend and had heaps of fun in the process. We definitely all owe a huge thanks to everyone who helped organize and run the retreat. In particular, AUS President Stephanie Ryan and AUS VP External Avneet Johal for really putting a tonne of effort into the whole thing. Thanks guys!



We got back to Vancouver on Sunday afternoon, and I headed out to Bowen Island a few hours later to meet up with my family. I spent the night with my window open about 20 metres away from the waves crashing on the shore below, then spent today rowing a couple times and eating massive amounts of turkey and veggies at lunch and supper before coming back to Vancouver on the 8pm ferry.

And now it's time for bed.
All material on this site © 2004-2009 Chris Anderson (aka PhotoDiarist™) unless otherwise noted