Thursday, December 21, 2006

Violence in the world is DOWN

Still busy as anything, so I'm delaying on posting some more...

But, some very interesting reading to brighten your day: "Notwithstanding the escalating violence in Iraq and the widening war in Darfur, the Human Security Brief 2006 (, a new report from the Human Security Centre at the University of British Columbia, reveals that, from the beginning of 2002 to the end of 2005, the number of wars being fought around the world dropped significantly. By far the greatest decline was in sub–Saharan Africa."

That quote is from the press release announcing the publication of the Human Security Brief 2006. I work at the Human Security Centre, so I decided to read what they're publishing. I think you should too, or at least skim through and look at the fancy graphs and charts.

Also, a hint for anyone writing essays on any conflict-related issue: skim the Human Security Brief 2006, the Human Security Report 2005, or do a search on the easy-to-use Human Security Gateway (that's my job, adding French resources to the Gateway). Every time I write an essay, the first thing I do is do a quick search for documents and news at the Human Security Gateway website - much better than Google for violence-related info!

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Chan Centre ceiling

It's been 3 weeks since my last post, not for lack of events and photos, but for lack of time. I'm just concluding what has probably been the busiest, most sleep-deprived short period of my life. And I once pulled an all-nighter at least once a week for an entire semester (term 2 in 2nd year).

Over the next few weeks I'll try and put up some interesting photos and a bit of what's been going on lately. Today's topic: Graduation at the Chan Centre.

On November 22, my brother Matt graduated from UBC with a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting from the Sauder School of Business.

The next day, November 23, my oldest brother Dan graduated from UBC with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Mathematics, with co-op option.

Matt spent 5.5 academic years (2 terms = 1 academic year) in post-secondary education, and Dan spent 7.5 academic years at UBC. When I graduate in May, after 5.5 academic years, I'll be the third to graduate in the space of only 6 months! And to think, for a little while, 4 out of 5 children in my family were UBC students. My parents both have UBC degrees and my baby sis will end up here too. Talk about family tradition.

And now for the photos:

Nov 22:

Singing Oh Canada at the beginning:

Dad, Granny, and Mom

This guy is definitely not paying attention to the grads walking across the stage

I believe this is the only photo I've ever seen in which I can honestly say that Matt and I look VERY alike:

Hey, it's never too late to get a degree! University is free for senior citizens in BC.


Luckily, despite somewhat similar looks at times, I'm significantly taller than Matt, and almost as tall as Dan.

Nov 23:

Immediately after this photo was taken, as he was still on stage, my two sisters and I yelled out in perfect synchrony and the loud projection of three chamber choir singers, "FINALLY!" Definitely a crowd pleaser. (yes, I used to be in a chamber choir, my sister was as well, and my baby sis still is)

It was cold and windy, hence the forced smiles:
All material on this site © 2004-2009 Chris Anderson (aka PhotoDiarist™) unless otherwise noted