Friday, January 27, 2006

No time for blogging...

I spent 7 hours at the library today. This is not unusual for me lately, and continues to curb the amount of spare time I can spend sitting at my computer writing blog entries. As such, I will once again post a few photos with captions and nothing more. Feel free to leave a comment if you care, and I'll get back to you asap.

Jello Wrestling during Science Week at UBC in the Student Union Building.

Mike Duncan vs Dan (my brother)

Dan ended up winning this match, and placing 2nd overall.

I won a waterbottle with a 75 cent raffle ticket I bought. Woohoo.

For Robert Burns Day on Jan 25th, a few of us went to a place on 10th and Sasamat and enjoyed a West Coast Celtic band called Copper Sky, whose website you can check out at

Saturday, January 21, 2006

2 weeks in photos.

To put it very bluntly, I have no time to write blog entries right now. I've got TONNES of work to do, and not nearly enough time. And, since the stuff I would post wouldn't be particularly interesting anyways, I'll just post two weeks' worth of photos here with VERY brief descriptions. If you actually find something interesting, feel free to leave a comment and I can tell you allll about it.

I volunteered at the UBC Model United Nations. This is the North Atlantic Council (NATO council) meeting, for which I was the page.

We went to the Model UN team fundraiser for their trip to the MUN in San Francisco. It was at the Buffalo Club, lots of fun. Lisa, the girl on stage, was one of the students I led around campus for 3 days as a GALA Int'l Students Orientation leader in 2004.

Vania visited for a week, on her way from Sweden back to New Zealand, so we went downtown and to the beach at English Bay.

On Vania's last night here, we went to see Denise's band Music Machene play at the Picadilly Pub downtown. Unfortunately, with a few songs left in the set, the fire alarm went off and water started dripping from the ceiling so we had to leave. A small fire on the 4th floor was easily contained but the venue was closed for the night.

Vania and I went to visit my Granny for lunch one day, so Vania bought Granny a pot of flowers. On our way to the airport a couple of days later, we stopped at Gran's for Vania to say goodbye.

Vania and Dennis44, a friend of Josephine's [ ] and Ron's [ ] from Australia happened to be on the same flight as far as Fiji, so we got them seats together and off they went!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Roméo Dallaire on Foreign Policy

On the 8th, I went with my good buddy Phil to the Watermark Restaurant at Kits Beach to see Senator Roméo Dallaire (commander of the UN mission to Rwanda during the 1994 genocide) and Hon. Stephen Owen (MP for Vancouver Quadra) discuss Canada's place in the world.

It was a very interesting discussion. Essentially, Sen. Dallaire believes that Canada can and should take a much stronger position in international affairs than it currently does. That is he believes, as a country, we are much less involved in helping other countries than we should be.

I'll not bother trying to explain this, because I'd take about 10,000 words trying to explain what Dallaire and Owen said. However, I would encourage anyone to listen to Sen. Dallaire speak if you get the chance. He's coming to UBC in March, and I may well go to that.

During the discussion, a cameraman/interviewer came and spoke with one of the organisers and arranged to hold a quick interview outside the restaurant immediately after the discussion. Sen. Dallaire seemed quite willing, despite having to be on a plane to Victoria at noon.

All material on this site © 2004-2009 Chris Anderson (aka PhotoDiarist™) unless otherwise noted