Friday, December 31, 2004


For those of you who haven't already done so, I'd suggest checking out some of the photos on this site: as well as downloading the .torrent file that a guy has compiled of videos from different places showing the tsunami. You need a bittorrent client if you don't already have one - check out:

If you have a bittorrent client already, click here:[1].zip.torrent 156MB file, will likely take about 10-20 minutes on a slow ADSL connection (that's the beauty of the bittorrent system).

I'll be in some of the affected places in Thailand and Malaysia two weeks from now. By that time I wonder what it will look like - the debris strewn about will likely be mostly gone or moved, but I wonder what the people will look like, how they will be coping and trying to rebuild their homes, businesses, lives, and families. It'll be interesting to say the least, and I expect to learn from it.

From what I've read, there doesn't seem to be much need for unskilled volunteers. If I find people who want help that I can provide when I am passing through the area, then I may well end up stopping and staying in one community to help. I'd really like to, even though it would be hard work, but it seems there is an abundance of unskilled labour, and an urgent need for medical professionals and the likes.

All the tourists seem to be flying out of the area, going home... I can't say I blame them after such a traumatic experience but the reality is that the locals in most areas desperately want the tourists to stay if they can, as tourism is the foundation of their economy. Certainly a bit of a strange situation - being asked to visit a place that has just suffered such a disaster.

What do YOU think about all this?

New Blog


I just wrote a nice long paragraph about how I'm thinking of changing from Xanga to this here blogspot, after all I like the nifty feature by which you can email a post to publish it, and phone a special number to post an mp3 file from any location... then it lost my paragraph when I selected the text and pressed an arrow.

So I wrote a new paragraph, about how I was angry I lost my first paragraph. Then I lost that paragraph. I'm reeeeally starting to not like blogspot and I only created my account 5 minutes ago. I'll give it a few more chances, but this snarky behaviour on the part of this entry editor better not continue or I may have to resort to extreme measures.

Now let's see if I can successfully click publish post without losing these paragraphs...
All material on this site © 2004-2009 Chris Anderson (aka PhotoDiarist™) unless otherwise noted