Master's Thesis Defended
There hasn't been much to blog about while in London, other than catching up on old stuff from the summer so that I can remember it when I'm old, if I want to. However, in November I went back to Sweden one last time to defend my Master's thesis. Before we get to that, two photos from London: the first is the view from my office as the sun was setting one day in September; the second is one of many ladybugs that lived in the lampshade in my bedroom for several months and occasionally ventured out to visit me down below.

At the very end of October, with loads of help from my parents, I finally finished my Master's thesis. It had been over a year since I began, and I was VERY happy to have it done. I flew to Sweden on November 4th to defend it on the 6th. Flying from London to Sweden:

The train station beneath Arlanda Airport, to catch my train to Uppsala:

My thesis is the reason I spent so much time in Thailand last year, as I was (among other things) carrying out research among Karen refugees from Burma in the largest refugee camp in Thailand. While I was there, I met a photojournalist named Dave Tacon, who kindly agreed to let me use one of his photos of a KNLA soldier in Karen State for my thesis cover page. Check out his different photo albums and magazine covers at This is what my thesis cover looks like:

If you want to know what it's about, the very short abstract explains my topic: Identity Formation and Armed Conflict: A Case Study of Young Karen Long-term Refugees in Mae La Refugee Camp.
After I successfully defended my thesis, which also involved meeting a bunch of this year's NOHA students, I was invited to a party they were holding, which was lots of fun (as all parties seem to be when I'm with humanitarian students / workers).

I reluctantly left picturesque and relaxed Uppsala on November 8th to return to busy and smelly London, and on my last walk along the River Fyris for what will likely be many years, grabbed one last photo of a familiar sight:

Though London's not my favourite city in the world, I'm still thoroughly enjoying my humanitarian logistics internship with Merlin (Medical Emergency Relief International). Speaking of which, the next round of Merlin internships in programmes, logistics, donor partnerships, finance, and communications (12 internships in total) are now posted on their website, with an application deadline of January 5th. Check out if you're interested, and feel free to contact me if you've got any questions about it.

At the very end of October, with loads of help from my parents, I finally finished my Master's thesis. It had been over a year since I began, and I was VERY happy to have it done. I flew to Sweden on November 4th to defend it on the 6th. Flying from London to Sweden:

The train station beneath Arlanda Airport, to catch my train to Uppsala:

My thesis is the reason I spent so much time in Thailand last year, as I was (among other things) carrying out research among Karen refugees from Burma in the largest refugee camp in Thailand. While I was there, I met a photojournalist named Dave Tacon, who kindly agreed to let me use one of his photos of a KNLA soldier in Karen State for my thesis cover page. Check out his different photo albums and magazine covers at This is what my thesis cover looks like:

If you want to know what it's about, the very short abstract explains my topic: Identity Formation and Armed Conflict: A Case Study of Young Karen Long-term Refugees in Mae La Refugee Camp.
After I successfully defended my thesis, which also involved meeting a bunch of this year's NOHA students, I was invited to a party they were holding, which was lots of fun (as all parties seem to be when I'm with humanitarian students / workers).

I reluctantly left picturesque and relaxed Uppsala on November 8th to return to busy and smelly London, and on my last walk along the River Fyris for what will likely be many years, grabbed one last photo of a familiar sight:

Though London's not my favourite city in the world, I'm still thoroughly enjoying my humanitarian logistics internship with Merlin (Medical Emergency Relief International). Speaking of which, the next round of Merlin internships in programmes, logistics, donor partnerships, finance, and communications (12 internships in total) are now posted on their website, with an application deadline of January 5th. Check out if you're interested, and feel free to contact me if you've got any questions about it.
well done dude!! =) woop woop!
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