Straight to Bowen Island
I flew out of Toronto on August 1st and landed in Vancouver that night. By 9am the next morning, I was in the family car leaving Vancouver en route to Bowen Island, the subject of many past blog posts. It was the birthday of my oldest brother, Dan, and we had decided to go to our extended family's place on Bowen for the occasion. Somehow I never get tired of taking photos at Bowen, and hopefully never will. Here are a few of my favourites from the week I spent there:
Crossing the Lion's Gate Bridge to leave Vancouver:

I always check for mice and things when I get to our place on Bowen, and this time I found two long-dead bats in different places. They must have come down the chimney, then become confused and not found their way back out. One time I caught a bat in the middle of the night in my granny's room at Bowen, and let it out her window.

There are loads of deer on Bowen Island, and we enjoy having them in the yard. Sometimes we even feed them. This one is eating ripe plums that have fallen from the tree:

Josephine and Lisa enjoying swimming in the ocean:

My brother Dan takes some really good photos with his camera, but he didn't bring it with him to Bowen so I lent him mine to take some shots, and I really like this one he took:

I also like taking photos of old stuff, like these medicine bottles:

We spent some of our time setting this contraption up. What were we using it for? To catch plums!

Dad made a tasty birthday cake for Dan:

This is the view from the patio dining room where we ate the cake:

Out in the woodshed, there was a bird's nest:

On August 3rd I went out rowing across the bay to Sandy Beach with Jos and Lisa, and on the way I managed to get a quick photo of two seals getting some air:

While Jos and Lisa swam at Sandy Beach, I sat on a log and admired these neat fungi:

Later that evening, as the sun was going down, I went out for another row and took this shot:

The next day, my cousin Jasper caught a fish while a few of us were hanging on the float, then let it back into the water:

More deer:

And some ducks at Killarney Lake too:

On the 6th, the highlight of my day was eating a tasty sandwich and winning a game of hearts against my sisters and parents:

On August 7th, Josephine swam across the bay and back while Lisa rowed alongside and I sat back and relaxed:

A couple hours later, I drove the girls back to Vancouver as we all had things we had to do in the city. My parents stayed at Bowen a bit longer. Lisa insisted on taking a photo of me on the ferry:
Crossing the Lion's Gate Bridge to leave Vancouver:

I always check for mice and things when I get to our place on Bowen, and this time I found two long-dead bats in different places. They must have come down the chimney, then become confused and not found their way back out. One time I caught a bat in the middle of the night in my granny's room at Bowen, and let it out her window.

There are loads of deer on Bowen Island, and we enjoy having them in the yard. Sometimes we even feed them. This one is eating ripe plums that have fallen from the tree:

Josephine and Lisa enjoying swimming in the ocean:

My brother Dan takes some really good photos with his camera, but he didn't bring it with him to Bowen so I lent him mine to take some shots, and I really like this one he took:

I also like taking photos of old stuff, like these medicine bottles:

We spent some of our time setting this contraption up. What were we using it for? To catch plums!

Dad made a tasty birthday cake for Dan:

This is the view from the patio dining room where we ate the cake:

Out in the woodshed, there was a bird's nest:

On August 3rd I went out rowing across the bay to Sandy Beach with Jos and Lisa, and on the way I managed to get a quick photo of two seals getting some air:

While Jos and Lisa swam at Sandy Beach, I sat on a log and admired these neat fungi:

Later that evening, as the sun was going down, I went out for another row and took this shot:

The next day, my cousin Jasper caught a fish while a few of us were hanging on the float, then let it back into the water:

More deer:

And some ducks at Killarney Lake too:

On the 6th, the highlight of my day was eating a tasty sandwich and winning a game of hearts against my sisters and parents:

On August 7th, Josephine swam across the bay and back while Lisa rowed alongside and I sat back and relaxed:

A couple hours later, I drove the girls back to Vancouver as we all had things we had to do in the city. My parents stayed at Bowen a bit longer. Lisa insisted on taking a photo of me on the ferry:

Hi Chris,
I've looked all your photos from photodiarist. We all miss you and I really appreciate you for your excellent shots and one thing is I'm glad to see u still wearing our HU hat in your last foto. How's your anne murray songs? For us, we can't access to facebook anymore! :(
miss you,
Mai Ra
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