Photos from Nova Scotia - Part III

Tom and John playing together:

Lisa seemed to have fun filming parts of the session:

On July 13th, we went to visit a friend a few miles down the road and had a long sing-along there with her visiting daughter and family:

During my stay, I also started picking up the ukulele, as Jos's boyfriend Matt brought his along and very kindly let me play around with it:

Aside from music, most of our time at home was somehow related to food. Grandma loves to cook and she loves to feed people. And uncle John likes to make his tasty Orange Julius-style hot dogs for us at night.

Strawberry shortcake, sooooo tasty!

We even played a game of horseshoes, which we did a lot when I was a kid:

On July 14th, we drove to Taylor Head beach, where there were plenty of jellyfish in the sea and lots of space on the beach to toss around a pigskin:

Part of Jos's reason for visiting was to do some documentary filmmaking about local life and our family history there, so after returning from the beach she and Matt set up a projector and then filmed a slideshow to potentially use in a project later on:

The next night we had a big bonfire down at the beach, including a few marshmallows and a bunch of mosquito bites :-)