I arrived in sunny
Sarajevo at 4pm on the 8th and got a cab to the hostel, where I met up with five other students from my program at Uppsala who had arrived the night before by bus from Dubrovnik
. We were in Sarajevo on a self-organised study trip, to visit various organisations involved in humanitarian and development work and the reconstruction of
Bosnia and Herzegovina after
the wars of the 1990s. Although a lot of the photos in this post might seem to give a negative and depressing impression of Sarajevo, it's actually a very bright (at least when it's sunny) place, both literally and figuratively. It's a beautiful city, small but pleasant, and there are lots of really friendly people there.
At present, no one really knows whether the country will succeed in overcoming the ethnic divisions that tore the region apart in the 90s, as politicians especially continue to try and twist things to emphasize the divisions and use them for political gain. But many seem to see the same thing as the solution:
joining the European Union. And the EU is putting a lot of money into the region to help the formerly war-torn area develop and eventually join the EU.
Croatia is already en route to EU membership,
Serbia just signed a Stabilisation and Association Agreement, and Bosnia & Herzegovina
will follow soon. It's a beautiful area of the world, and tourism is back on the upswing these days as safety for foreigners is again quite high. Sarajevo itself felt, to me, far safer than many cities I've stayed in. I guess that's a good sign, right?
One of our group, Sunny, had lived in the area for about two years, a few years ago, so he was in charge of getting us in touch with various organisations and helping us figure out when / where to do different things around town a bit; very useful! He also introduced us to some of his friends there, which was great.
I didn't take too many photos in the small city centre, not sure why, but I wasn't particularly inspired despite the fact that it was quite a nice place. I did pull the camera out at the
Cathedral Church of Nativity of the Theotokos, while watching a chess game for a few minutes.

Which ones are real?

In the evening on the 9th, Sunny took us to a concert by a famous band called
Mostar Sevdah Reunion.
Mostar is a city a few hours away (next post!) and
Sevdah is the short name for Sevdalinka, a traditional style of folk music from Bosnia and Herzegovina (from now on, abbreviated to BiH) and popular all across the ex-Yugoslav states. I thought they were interesting, although the crowd was an older crowd so they were playing slower songs than their usual according to Emir, Sunny's friend, who's a big fan.

The next day we were up nice and early to visit
BH MAC, the Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Centre. BH MAC is the government agency in charge of demining in BiH. We had a short powerpoint presentation with info about demining progress and future projections, then we were off in two landcruisers to a demining operation on the hills around the city.

Greg thinks this sign belongs to him. It does not.

Hmm... that doesn't look like the BiH flag to me...

Turns out the
Canadian International Demining Corps is involved in demining in BiH, with funding from the
Canadian International Development Agency and donors are big on visibility so the Canadian flag was everywhere on this demining site, including helmets, protective vests; even the yellow tape that says "MINE MINE MINE" has red maple leafs and CIDC printed on it every so often.

This is the view from the mine site, looking northwest over the city of Sarajevo:

You can't tell, but that's a little maple leaf sticker on the front of his helmet.

None of the deminers spoke any English or French, but they were quite happy to answer a LOT of questions through the BH MAC staff who acted as translators. They really know a lot about what they're doing, which is a good thing considering the severe risk. Note the house behind them... yes, people live in the area again, but they know which areas are being demined across the road. The guys were on break and it was really hot outside, but two of them still kindly agreed to pose for a photo; they even put their heavy, hot gear back on for the photo!

We also visited the
International Organization for Migration (of which I am a big fan, and with whom I would love to work in the field somewhere) and the
Research and Documentation Center. Sorry, no photos! But very interesting visits.
This is the
Eternal Flame, a memorial to those who died during the Second World War in Sarajevo. To highlight the fact that the three major ethnic groups in BiH (Bosniak Muslims, Serb Orthodox Christians, Croat Catholics) all got along just fine before the wars of the 90s, here's the translation of the text on the wall behind the flame (pulled from
Wikipedia, no idea if it's a 100% accurate translation).
With Courage and Jointly Spilled
Blood of the Fighters of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian,
Croatian, Montenegrin, and Serbian Briagades
of the Glorious Jugoslav National Army
with Efforts and Sacrifice of Sarajevan Patriots
Serbs, Muslims and Croats on the 6th of April 1945
Sarajevo, the Capital City of the People's Republic
of Bosnia and Herzegovina was liberated
Eternal Glory and Gratitude to the Fallen Heroes
of the liberation of Sarajevo and our Homeland
On the First Anniversary of Its Liberation
a Grateful Sarajevo
A few blocks from our hostel:

On the 11th, Emir drove Sunny, Greg, Evelyn, and me to a restaurant way up a bunch of hills on the southwest of the city for brunch. It was quite good food, though it turned out to be very expensive too, big surprise for all of us. There was a great view of the city.
Looking northeast:

Looking northwest:

This building was apparently a prison before the war, and hasn't been restored since it was bombed out from the hills above.

A Muslim cemetery:

My Bosnian coffee:

At 2pm, Evelyn and I met up with Emmanuel and Sarah in town for a tour of some important areas during the
siege of Sarajevo that lasted from 1992-1995 (3.6 years). Sofia from the
Swedish International Development Agency had suggested a particular guide,
Zijad Jusufović, and I'm glad we did take her suggestion.
First, we visited the oldest Jewish cemetery in the area, with some tombstones dating to the 1500s according to Zijad.

Bullet holes:

The really old tombstones:

We then made our way to
Trebević, the mountain where the
1984 Olympics bobsled / luge track was built, and destroyed during the siege.

We stopped again later for a few minutes at a sniper position from which many people had been killed on the stretch of road that was nicknamed
Sniper Alley during the war. This is part of the view from that point. The
Olympic Stadium with cemeteries in the foreground. The largest cemetery is just off to the left, which you'll see further on.

Next up, we drove to
the famous tunnel dug from a Bosnian-controlled area under the
UN-controlled airport, to
a house on the other side. This made it possible for Bosnian forces to bring supplies by land from outside the city, through the tunnel, and then into the city. Taking supplies above ground for this 800m stretch was impossible because of the Serb-held areas on both sides. We could only walk through a short section of the tunnel; the rest was closed because of airport security - no one wants a tunnel beneath their airport these days...

The family home, now also a museum, from which the tunnel began.

This is a retirement home that was opened shortly before the war began. It was apparently the nicest in ex-Yugoslavia, but still lies riddled with bullet holes, half destroyed.

Avaz Business Center, where the main newspaper has been based, with its revolving restaurant at the top.

We also stopped by the largest mosque in the area, King Fahd Mosque, right beside these apartment towers:

Note the size of the shell holes relative to the size of the doors/balconies/windows. Those are not small holes.

One of the minarets:

A rocket-propelled grenade (mortar) exploded here; they call these marks "
Sarajevo Roses."

We then headed to the Olympic Stadium. Looking West, we see the biggest cemetery:

On Marshall Tito street, a Sarajevo Rose filled in with red rubber a few metres from the market where another bomb fell, killing 68 people in
the single largest massacre of the siege, and wounding 144.

Our guide, Zijad Jusufović. Nice guy, crazy in a very good way, with some interesting reflections and answers to our questions. If you
google his name, you'll see that he's pretty well known.

Happier thoughts: food! We asked Zijad where we should go to get quality, cheap, traditional Bosnian food. This is the food at the place he suggested - it was DELICIOUS! I could eat that almost every day! Onions stuffed with meat and other things, potato, rice, sour cream (crême fraiche?), more meat rolled in cabbage (I dislike cabbage, but this was so well made that I actually really enjoyed it!), and of course bread somewhat similar to naan. Soooo tasty! And it cost $6.

Greg amused himself by launching sugar packets at his tablemate. Look at his focus! And at the flying sugar packet!

On Monday we visited
EUFOR, the European military force whose responsibility is "to provide a military presence in order to contribute to the safe and secure environment, deny conditions for a resumption of violence, manage any residual aspect of the General Framework Agreement for Peace (aka
Dayton Peace Accords) and thereby allow all EU and IC (Int'l Community) actors to carry out their responsibilities." They were very friendly and had the best service of any organisation - not just coffee, but cans of pop, coffee, tea, water, cookies, and chocolate bars! And when we left, the Irish Sergeant who was taking care of us told us to take a bunch with us! Terrific!
And of course, being the important people that we are,
we made the news! Really!

We then visited the
International Commission on Missing Persons where their director,
Kathryne Bomberger, really impressed us. Seems like a terrific and efficient organisation, and she comes across as extremely capable and knowledgeable, and of course super friendly!
Next up we stopped by the
Organisation for Security Co-operation in Europe, which was not terribly interesting for me, but partly because the day was growing long and I was lacking caffeine.
After that, we went to the
UNHCR where we had the best coffee out of the various organisations we had visited, and a very interesting presentation from two of their staff. I'd love to work for UNHCR in a field operation someday.
Well, that's our trip to Sarajevo. And that was the SHORT version.
Next up: Mostar!