Christmas in Vancouver

On Christmas day, our family went over to my Granny's home for lunch. She lives very close to us, about 8 blocks away. We brought lunch to her this time, even though she's a great cook. She even had presents for us!

Jos and I got sunglasses, among other things.

Then we went home to our place, so Gran could have a rest. Basically, we sat down and started opening presents.

And, since my parents warn us every year that it might be the last year we're all in the same city for Christmas (or even still all alive), Santa took a family photo for us (Santa being my tripod).

Then Gran came over for a late supper at our place and we opened some more presents, and finally went to bed after midnight.
The next day was Boxing Day... more on that next time.
first of all, i've now realized you did not only look hot in ron's sunglasses, you simply look hot in sunglasses!
secondly, loved the pic of your family. such a nice photo and it seems to be a very nice family as well ;) although, i suddenly got a bit nervous about visiting... bajs
Aww, that last pic that Santa took of you and your family is awesome. I can't believe I missed the welcome back party...ah well. Hope you had fun on New Year's. Happy 2006!
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